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One–Ton is an outdoor bench that is made of concrete as a reminder of the old public benches, complimented by a touch of modern materials and colours. Just like the neighbourhood and park benches of old, One–Ton serves to revisit concrete public benches that can be used for resting or socializing in outdoor spaces.

The name of the bench is based on a clever play on the localized word Wanton (one-ton) Mee, and how the word would roll off a foreigner’s tongue in his/her first encounter with the dish. One–Ton is pun-iture that aims to celebrate Singapore’s iconic hawker fare amidst an increasingly international population demographics and the influx of other global cuisines.

One-Ton was one of the products featured in the Little Thoughts Group in 2013, where it was displayed in the Singapore National Museum and the Singapore International Furniture Fair in 2013.

Available for sale via FLIQ - contact us for more details.